الأحد، 15 يوليو 2012

chapter (29)

ahood: it all starts when you asked me who is the one I have crush on and I said abdullah and you were like ew no he is our brother w gtlk la ana a7bh b3den ro7na albar w ja hu rkbk w j7dni w m36ek wjh b3den shftk w hu kna 93'ar ymkn 7 years old 36ak hug w galk i love u ghadah w glti me too !!w enti knti 3arfh eni knt a7bh bs sweti ke4a n4alh wla keef y3ni 3shan ke4a knt a7awl a5rb benk w ben ay a7d t7benh 3shan a5leek t7sen feni

me:enti ya mama eli fahmh salfa 3'l6 ana w abdullah 3umr ma9ar benna shy !w kan y36eni hug 3shan jbth gift 78t nja7th ;p


me:y3ni enti fahmh 3'l6 fe 3'l6 !!

ahood: amana

me:kan s2lti 6yb mu men rask afteti

ahood:la bs glt ymkn tt34ren

me:len al7en t7benh?

ahood: shwy


ahoood:im sorry ghadah walla im sorry makan 89di ke4a asfh 3la kl those years im sorry walla :C

me:93bh 9ra7a km sna w enti mdri wshjak 93bh

ahood:im really sorry ;c

me:gotta go bye

i remembered I was late on talal

I went to talal

talal:la eg3di b3d shwy zyada ;p

me:a8ool o9 gtlk bjeeb swa8 w ent m3yye ;p

talal:e7m yalla

he drove me back home I hugged him

and got inside my house

I found my mother on the dinner table eating lunch

mama:keef surprise?

I hugged her and kissed her forhead

me:a7la shy<3<3

mama:zein 3jbtk

me:eh ;p

mama:beni w benk 9ara7a talal jmeel

me:adri ;p

we chatted

anyway let's skip till wednesday

it was awkward still between me and ahood

today im going to see talal <3

were going to his house<3

so I wore black avarol

with gold belt on my belly

and gold high heels

applied little make up

curlied my hair

went to the car

checked my phone

nothing new

checked twitter

talal tweeted

can't wait to see your beautiful face <3

aww how sweet :c

when I finelly arrived

my mother as always with 5alti samer

I said hi to her

me:5alti wen talal?

5alti samer: walla ya 7bebti gbl shwy 6l3 wen lara majt m3km ?

mama:walla  ra7t bet 9a7btha mswyeen 7flh

in my thoughts

what if talal meant another girl :c

no no i have to trust him

i have to keep faith on him

but what if ?!

no no impossible

suddenly he entered the living room

said hi to my mum

talal:mawdk tjen?

I followed him

and I didn't asked him about the tweet it would be totally weird

talal:shufi esh jebt


talal: shftk fe twitter katbh craving anosh cookies jbtli w jbtlk



suddenly with no reason

I hugged him

talal:yaletk 3lmteni kan jbtlk kl yum anoosh cookies ;p

me:mu 3shan cookies thank u for it bs 3shan shy thani

talal:esh hu

me:how you care <3

talal:I always will

he hugged me back :")<3

talal:eh t3ali esh 9ar ahood reason?

I told him all about it

talal:7mdullah w shakr ya5ti wsh4i almre9'a ?

me:oul tgool oh she is no nice 7ram tkrhenha

talal:bs 3rft enha akbr bitch


talal:dgeega dgeega

he start pressing buttons in his phone

talal :ha4i 9ora lha 3u8bha glt bitch!

he showed me her picture

she was wearing a very tight red dress
very short one

that shows half of her hips

her arms was on tied on a guy waist

and the guy was kissing down of her cheek almost on her neck


talal:mu 3ndi 5wyye sultan 4ak hu 78 bnat kan 5wyha w  m9wr 4e w rslh ly gal eshtgt l4e bitch

me:a7777 ;o

talal:3u8bha 6a7t men 3eni !! wsh4a eli labsth tf95i a7sn? w 3nd wald mat3rfh wena feh w n9 a5wyay y3rfunha  w y9wrun m3ha

me:gd shft 3eer 4i 9ora?

talal: gd9k al3n mnha eh

me:esh hy

talal: guy kissing half of her lips and half of her check bs mu mbyn fe 9ora lbsha bs wjeh

me:matwg3tha l4e drja

talal:w zyadah ghadah entbhi t7tken feha ma abi t5rb sum3tk

me:y3nni ma asam7ha?

talal:sam7eha bs la t7tken feha


anyway let's skip after a month

I forgived ahood

me and talal are more stronger than before

so it's another weekend

me and the girls went to fridays for dinner

me:bnat wshraykm sleepover in my house w nroo7 yourmarsheh rjlyh nshte snacks w movie?

ALL:ok bs bns2l our mothers

dana agreed

anoud agreed

juju her mother didn't agreed

mai agreed

sara agreed

razan agreed

so we went walking to the supermarket

a group of guys followed us

guy 1 :hey yashgra

they meant anoud

9ab3'h sh3rha ashgr 3la boni fat7

she ignored them

guy 2: ana abi ha4e

he signed at me


he pulled my hand and putted in it a number or idk paper

i throw it at his face and said:7elm ebles bljnaa

suddenly a guy all I could hear him saying

;eb3du 3nhm w est7u 3la wjeehkm 9dg glt 7ya !!!!

suddenly all of them were gone 7MDULLAH !!!!!

I turned to see who was it

The shocking part IT WAS ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,



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