السبت، 21 يوليو 2012

chapter (31)

okay that massege was weird scary a bet !

and that PIN was like familier IM sure I SAW THAT PIN BEFORE!

I answered

me:who are u ?

10 min later


oh my god what have she done but browning my life

WTF should i thank her for that?

me:esh sweti 3shan agoolk thank u y3ni?

she answered back

ahood: ana hjdt fahad gtlh 5la9 la3d tgrbha ana wyaha t9al7na w kl shy 3shan m3d y7arshk that's why he defended you in fridays that day !


me:9dg ??

ahood: whs d3wa leesh ak4b kan glt b68a8


ahood:no worries<3


that was surprising how she changed!

I checked my bbm

Talal:halla bl7ub

me; e7lf enk 9adg ?

Talal: 36eni jwye yashe5a 6fshan


talal: wsh feek katbh fe statues "people changed but sometimes in a good way";p me 97?

me:wath8 much =))?  no ahoood changed

talal:9dg ?


Talal:ogsmblah ya ghadah en r7ti yormarsheh b a863 rjolk !!

me: bsmallah 6yb ;o

that wasn't what I was expecting but cute y5af 3ly ;")

Talal:eh l3d ashufk 6abh 4a mkan wla ay mkan zyh bdoni !

me:o5s ya grandayzer ;$

Talal: =)) 7mdullah w shakr hbalh

me: 1 whole year together  w twk tdri oh ;o

talal: adri bs twni a3trf ;$

me:7bebi al5awf =))

Talal: agool o9 bs =))



I went to my paino since I missed it and played

a song made me remind how me and talal were aganist the world
how we fight for "us" just to be together
how we survived from all that holes
and how the holes changed in a good way


us aganist the world

us aganist the world

you and I we have been at it so long

but still got the strongest fire

you and I

we still know how talk

and know how to walk the wire

sometimes I feel like the world aganist me

the sound of your voice baby that's what save me

when we are together I feel so invincable

cause it's us against the world you and me aganist them all

if your listening to those words

know that we are standing tall

I don't ever see that day that I won't catch you when you fall

cause it's us aganist the world tonight

there will be days

we will be on diffrent sides but that doesn't last for long

we find ways

to get it on track

we know how to turn back on

sometimes I feel I can't keep it together

then you hold me close and you make it better

when Im with you I can feel unbreakable

cause it's aganist the world

you and me aganist them all

if your listening to those words

know that we are standing tall

I would never see that day that I won't catch you when you fall

cause it's against the world tonight

were not gonna brake cause we both still believe

we have know what we have got

and we have got what we need alright

we are doing something right

cause it's aganist the world you and me against them all

if you listening at those words

know that we are standing tall

I would never see that day that I won't catch you when fall

cause it's against the world tongiht

us aganist the world

aganist the world


westlife-against the world


I head to my dairy and wrote all about ahood

and all about me and talal

I head to my mother

we chatted and drank arabic  coffee together

she told me we have family gathering tomorrow

me:talal byje

mama:mdri walla


I kissed her forehead

I head to my bed and slept

yes tomorrow is monday

school + family gathering

so I woke up

done my daily routine

went to school

When school was done

I head to my home

mama:ro7i t3'di sre3 w 3'yre k?


I ate my lunch

took a shower

and wear

dark blue avarol

left my hair wide

my hair is wavey so I don't need to use the hair

applied a lipgloss

and some blusher and eyeliner

went down staris

mama:huh talal byje ?

me:la bs sara w anoud w razan w ahood byjin

my mother was giving me that surprising look

mama:dgeega glti ahood?



me:eh bs mu m3 b39' zy oul

mama: shofi 7bebti bklmk fe mw9'oo3


mama:abeek tb3den 3n albnt y3ni okay 5ly 3la8tk s67yh m3ha ma abeek t7tken feha w t9eren mthlha

I acted innocent

me:lesh esh feeha?

mama:albnt 3ndha 7rkat laf ymen ysar


mama:y3ni tklm 3yal mat3rfhm men wra ahlha

me:esh drak?

mama:ana sam3tha tklm

me:glti l omha?

mama:la bkefha mu bnti wsh 3ly mnha

I hugged her


so we arrived the the family gathering


I went to the girls room

where me and razan and anoud and sara set always

I can all hear them sayin

anoud:  3lmeni esh a9r fe mu5ch ya alhblh anhblti ?

razan:wsho ha4i ghadah t7b talal w 3adi


razan:wsh tboon b6'b6 hu gal y7bni

anoud: w km lkm m3 b39'?


anoud:hdeeh ya razan wla walla ma y9erlch 5eer awrech wyhhe althany

razan:6yb 6yb

me:esh salfa?

anoud:t5yle alhbla men t7b?


me:afa ya razan men meta t5ben?


me:goli meen?

Anoud :m7md wld 5alti



me:mjnona enti???

razan:shofo hu magal y7bni wla shy but he chats with me like his little sister w he cares w kl shy 9rt a7bh

me:walla lw tdri dana bt4b7k !!!! hu y7b dana hu gali y3amlk as his little sister akeed ya al5blh your his cousin !!! he gave dana promise ring !! mjnona enti?? enseh sheleh men mu5k

sara:len sa3a nfhmha bs bgra mu ra9'ya tfhm

suddenly she was so upset

razan:klkum you had the chances enkum t7bun ella ana :c
dana with m7md and ghadah with talal and my sister with faisal

yes faisal

with anoud I never  mention that cause she doesn't talks about him alot

sara:shofeni ana al3ans w 3ayshh 3adi

me:ana knt mthlk w 3adi one day the right one will come to you !! bs m7md la 7ram 3leek dana is our bestfriend t3'dren feha?

razan: of course not

me:then forget him he treat you like this akeed your his little cousin he treat me like that too hu mu2db w y3aml nas 3la ha4a alasas

razan:5laa9 okay :c

suddenly a girl with 3abay she was covering her face with 6r7h

felled down in our room


the girl: bsmallah 3leek wsh shayfh jni?

me:eh walla jni=)))

she removed the cover from her face

YEs it was reema<3

I hugged her

me:misssed u

all the girls did too =))

me:wrak mt3'6ya

reema:saud gal tbeen trw3enhm 3'6i wjhk b3den rjfni 3shan a6ee7 3leekm =))

me:ya7lelh bzrr


Saud shouted outside the room:HEY I HEARD THAT

me: =)) sed a4ank for a long gossping ride

saud entered the room

saud:agool a89 lsank enti wyaha wen talal bs?

me:m3rf :c

saud:bdg 3leeh

he called him

all I can hear is

9dg btsafr ? aha y3ni mara7 tjy

suddenly I was about to fall but I holded myself

how he didn't tell me ?!!!!

saud: mara7 yjy


I was upset all of sudden

abdulla and saud went outside

okay so the family gathering was done

I head to my home

and sitll consuming about talal going

Let's skip after two days

yes it's wednesday

so when school was done

and yes talal didn't drove at school at the past two days

school was done

I head to my home upset all of sudden!!!!

I hited my face with the pillow thousands of times


me:mama please t3bana shwy w bnzl

Mama:agoolk bsr3a im very upset of you

t3rfun eli 8m6t om al3afyh?

I head down staris running



Okay what will happen next find out at chapter (32);p

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