الخميس، 31 مايو 2012

chapter (7)

i found a paper on my desk when i read it it said:

got me out here from the water so deep telling me how you going to be the without me
if your ain't here i just can't breath there is no air no air
i walk i ran i jump i flew right of the ground
there is no gravity to hold me down for real but somehow im still alive inside

you took my breathe but i survived i don't how but i don't even care

so how do you expect me to live alone with just me
cause my world revlose around you and it's so hard me to breath

tell me how im suppose to breath with no air?

can't live can't breath with no air

it's how i feel when you ain't there

there is no air no air

"remember the lyrics in my last tweet here I am completing it to you"

you will know how i am cause im 100% sure you read my last tweet


when i was thinking about the paper i realize it's jordan sparks and chris brown old song no air

i used to love it <3


"it's how i feel when you ain't there ,there's no air no air"

oh my god it's talal!!!!!cuteeeeeeeeeee<3

i called one my friends razan and told her everything

razan:gayltlch fe nas a7sn men 4a al5ra fahad

me:mra cute :')

razan:do you have feelings for him?

me;i don't know

razan:ybeeli ga3dh m3ch zma 3nch

me:hehe ;$;p

razan:6yb hu 7lo

me:i'll send you his picture check your bbm

razan:allaaaaaah ya5thch ya al5ysa ya alm3fna ya 7ywana tarkth w ray7tli 3nd fahad eli 3umrh ma 3jbni

me:what's that suppose to mean

razan:ys6llllllllll e4a ma tbena 36eni eyah ;$

me:kuli trab

razan:you do have feelings

me:i don't know yalla bye gotta go

razan:eh ast7i ast7i


i hangged the phone

wore skinny jeans and lakers jacket with white body inside and my nike snikeers <3

applyed my hair into a bun ;p and applyed some make up

i went to talal's room

called him

he was not there

i went down staris i found 5alti samer and my mum and lara

me:5alti wen talal?

auntie samer:walla 7bebti ra7 3shan wa7d men a5wyah ybi y3zehm w byji


i sat with them auntie samer is pretty fun<3and funny too


i bbmed talal

me :PING!!!!



talal:wshfeeeek r89ti jwali allah y9l7k =))

me:a7sn ;p

talal:you know i hate pings!!

me:that's why i pinged you ;D


me:thank u ;$


me:about the paper

talal:which paper?

me:don't act dumb talal i know you wrote that paper


me:what's about it?

talal:i'll tell you later ok?


i went to my room and grabbed my dairy and start wrting:

Dear Dairy

somehow i realize being away from fahad is way better

and i realized when god takes something from you ,you love he gives you something better

my mum asked her friend to come and that friend has a song called talal<3

yes my childhood best friend i know we didn't fight about something silly and i wished we didn't cause turns out for him to be amazing/hot /charming

i don't know if i have feelings for him but i'll know it after the time

he came at the right moment,,,,he wrote for me a really cute paper<3

i'll know what's it about by time thanks dairy for being there for me when i need you


i closed my dairy and played games with my ipad

suddenly someone knocked my door

me:come in

IT was talal i freaked out i start blushimg for no reasons


talal :hey<3

me:umm kefk?


he start blushing

talal:keef 3rfti enu ana?

me:the paper thing?


me:i read your last tweet yesterday

talal:k listen ghadah i really love you<3i have feelings for you .....your funny your smart your beautiful and kind what else do a guy search in his girl?


talal:i really want you to be mine forever and for always<3

me: all i know is that im not that type to fall in love into someone and whatever

talal:i know your not


me:i'll think about it talal just promise me something?


me:promise me while i' think nothing will get akwward betweens us

talal:I promise

i smiled

it was a silence for a moment

i really don't know what should i respond i don't know if this thing rolls inside me

is it love or just a crush

what is it i know i'll know by time

i know it's worth the wait enshalla

me:broo7 m6b5 bjeebli moya want some?

talal:eh please ;p


i went to thw kitchen to bring us a water


she went to the kitchen to bring us a water

i really don't know how to prove to her I DO LOVE HER

i'll i know i'll do what does it takes to get her white heart<3

i found a notebook on her desk i thought it was a school notebook or what ever

i opened it on the last page to check what is it

it catchs my eye

ghadah writes a dairy!!!!!

i read the last page i smiled to my self

but im mad about the first part who is FAHAD?!!!

i closed her dairy immeditly when she opened the door


we chatted a little he acts
really weird

and whenever i joked prank him he gets pissed off so fast eshfeeh?

me:talal esh jayk?

talal;mafeni shy

me:ella feek

something catchs my eye that the dairy isn't on my desk it's on my bed

i screamed


me:you read my dairy 97

talal:no i didn't

me:ella you did it was on my desk not my bed!!

talal: bsmallah your dairy mskona ;o shklk jabytha men 3er8h ;p

me:haha not funny thank you :c

ufff all my secrets in this book!!!!!!!

i got pissed off

talal:im sorry ghadah 3la bali kashkol wla 78 mdrsa ft7t last page bs w gretha walla ma gret shy thani

i didn't replay


i didn't also replay

talal:5laa9 broo7

me:amz7 yashen eli yt3'la

talal:la yekthar


talal:forigved me?


talal:ella bs2lk men fahad?

i was shaking my hand when he asked me that question!!! what should i say

me:e4a gtlk mara7 yt3'yr shy benna w by9er secret?

talal:wsh d3wa mneeb bzr

me:this summer i went to summer camp in dubai there was a guy i had feelings for
he said me too b3deen turns out all the things that happened was a bet

talal:wsh 4aaaa bzr ?

me:bs please bdun z3l wla yt3'yr shy benna salfa men zman tra

he hugged me i was shocked

talal: ghadah is he your first?

me;eh b3den i realize i shouldn't risk my family trust

talal:that's the ghadah i know

me:haha ;D

talal:are you over him?

me:since the first day i found it was a bet tra ma kmlna 3 days

talal:7bl alk4b 89er


it was 9 pm

our mothers told us we are heading back to home

when we went home

i checked my bb

no mentions and only 1 bbm

i opened my bbm it was talal

talal:don;t forget to think ghadah i still didn't change my mind about you

me;i will <3

talal:goodnight sweetie<3


i was thinking while laying down on my bed

what should i say?

is he worth the trust?

is it a game?

thousands ideas crossed my mind

i think i should sleep

i did

when i woke up
i went down stairs

i saw talal and his father and his mother

i was still in my pjama's
his mother told me to set beside her she said:

7bebtie ghadah e7na jayeen n56bk

oh my god!!!!!!!

of course i'll say yes and yes and yes through im still 15 but yes!!!!!

i said yes

than suddenly i heard lara screaming:GHADAH WAKE UP!!!!


lara:agool esm3i abe aroo7 3nd leena e5t mai wdeeni

me :bji m3k

i told mai on bbm she said come!!

me:lara meta btro7en?

lara:sa3a 5 pm

it was still 2 pm

i layed on my bed and i was thinking about the dream

me saying yes and everything how i was disturb when lara waked

how it was the best dream

suddenly i realize IT'S A YES!!!!

i opened my phone and went to our chat me and talal




what happened next find out at chapter (8);p

please comments and follow me on twiiter:@ord_blogger

say a

الأربعاء، 30 مايو 2012

chapter (6)

i found fahad beside my bed

me:what you are doing here?!!!!!!

i shouted

fahad: cause i missed you

me:go away I HATE YOU

fahad:are you sure about it?


fahad stapped me in my stomech with A Knife



i woke up found myself sweating


me:it was just a nightmare it was just a nightmare

mama:t3w4i men ebles w gomi 5o4i m3k mlabs


i checked my BBM 4 chats twitter 3 mention

i checked my bbm first

i found a chat from talal

talal:goodmorning ;*



me:good you?

talal:walla great


talal:with you sweetie<3 so are coming to mzr3a?

me:yeah how did you know about it?

talal:omk 3azmtna 3la sleepover

me:alllaaaah*,* it means i don't have to stay with my anonying little sis alone

talal:7raaam she is cute

me:in your dreams

talal:by the way tshbhlk mra

me:i get that alot ;/

talal:e7mdi rabk she is pretty ;$

me:he eli t7md rbha ana her big sister ;p

talal:okay you won beautiful

i blushed 7mdullah 5blh :c;p

i chatted with the rest of the girl at bbm

and checked my twitter replayed to the mentions

and stalk talal ;)

i saw his last tweet was saying
"it hurts to have someone in your heart but you can't have them in your arms instead"

i said to myself:7raam 3leeha :c

mama shouted down staris :jhzti

me:10 more minutes ;$

i wore a mini skirt with a tank top

applyed some make up curlied my hair

wore a flat

rtbt shn6ti putted some Pjama's and a swim suit yes we do have a pool fe mzr3tna

i was searching for my bb and ipad charger


lara came running


me:where is my bb charger?

lara:i don't know

me:ipad charger?


she threw it on my bed

me:k2nu ma 3endk sha7n ipad

lara:5rbth ;$

me:will don't do the same thing with mine please ;/ ?k


mama:yalla enzluuu

i took my bag my ipad my bb and went down staris lara took her ipad and her beats and bag

we went down staris got into our car and let our driver take us to mzr3tna

while we were still on the way we didn't head to the mzr3h yet

me:mama 3adi nwgf 3la supermarket


me;abe candies

mama:5li 7ars wla swag yjeblk e4a w9lna


we finelly arrived

5alit samar(talal's mother) and talal finelly arrived

i said hi to them and me and talal went outside to my living room

i checked twitter

i saw talal saying : with one of the most funniest people ;p

me:so who's the funny people?

talal: you

me:awww im one person ;$


she went get what i meant


we joked around and had fun

watched movie played with lare

had fun together<3

it was still early like 8pm

i felt happy that moment

talal:is that piano in the living room for you?


talal:do you know how to play it or should the master teach u;)

me:w men almaster?


me:maknt adri enu t3zf piano

talal:since i was 6 years old

me:awww me too ;o

talal:play it and show me

i start playing it and sang:

shadows feel an empty heart as love is fading

from all the things that we are but are not saying

can we see beyond the scars and make it to the dawn

changes the colors of the sky and open up to

the ways you made me feel alive

the ways i loved you

for all the things that never died to make it through the night

love will find you

what about now ,what about today,what if you making me more than i was meant to be

what if our love never win a way

what if it lost behind words we could never find

baby before it's to late

what about now

sun is breaking in your eyes to start new day

this broken heart can still survive with the touch of your grace

shadows fade into the light i am by your side
will love will find you?

i sang Westlife-what about now

he was impressed but thank goddness he doesn't know that when i sing i only sing about my emutions

talal:Oh my god ghadah 9otk jmeeel mashalla<3

me:thank you ;$

talal:walla your talented

me:yalla show me the master what can do


he sat on the piano chair and start playing and singing:

easy come easy go that just how you live oh
take it all but you never give

take take take it all but you never give should i have known you was trouble from the first kiss had your eyes wide open

why were they open?

gave you all have but you tost in the trash you tosted in the trash yes you did

to gave you all i have.......................

he start singing Bruno mars-grande

he's voice was amazing<3

me:your talnted for the first time i have admit someone is the master

he winked

talal:gaylk bs enti mu m9dg

me:shoof en kbr rask bnsmh

talal:o9 ;$

me;:craving baskin robins<3

talal:tbeen aroo7 ajeblk

me:men jedk?

talal:walla jad wsh d3wa 3adi

me:la nrsl driver want some?

talal;don't mind

me:umm a7b cotoon candy flavor<3

talal:7ta ana

me:so cotoon candy?


i called the dirver and we orderd some ice cream and eat it


it was now 3 am

me:goodnight talal<3

talal: goodnight ghadah<3

we went to sleep when we woke up again

my mother called us to eat breakfast

and we did eat breakfast

lara:ghadah 5leena nroo7 nsb7 :c

me:eh yalla join us talal?

talal;i don't have a swim suit you should have told me -.-

me:did you brought football shorts?


me:use it ;/


i wore shorts and a tank top i didn't wore my usaually swim suit 3shan 3eeb y3ni fe talal

my sister wore her bikkni cause she's 6 3adi

we keep swimming and splashing the water

i keep splashing the water

Talal:ghadah bssssss!!!!!!

me:laaa a7sn



he carried me and throw me in the water

we laughed had fun really <3 im blessed by having him in my life

he did came at the right time for sure<3

we were done swimming

lara went to sleep so am i

5alti samer sleeps in the guests bedroom
and Talal sleeps in the other guests bedroom

i have my own room so ilara and my mum

we went to sleep

i woke i told my girls at our group what happened and how i had fun

our group include:anoud/razan/sara/dana/mai/juju/yara

i checked my twitter no mention

i stalked talal
and found tweet saying
"it's how i feel when you ain't there there is no air no air

it disturb me to know this girl keep hurting talal 7ram 3leeha!!!she is lucky for having him

i went to my desk to get my pen to write my dairy

and found a paper it said


what does the paper said find out at chapter (7);p

chapter (5)

me:esh msg?

dana:the first one will hug ghadah today will hurt her the next day either boy or a girl

me:i have a hug addiction i hug everyone how am i suppose to know men:c

dana:mdri just take care


when i hungged up the phone


me:fe a7d rasl weird msg l dana

fahad:esh ygool

me:the first one will hug ghadah today will hurt her the next day either boy or a girl

fahad:don't worry your under my protection

he hugged

WAIT he hugged me?? what if the msg meant him

i slowly moved back ward



fahad:this is too weird 36eni rgm

me:mu 3ndi 3nd dana

fahad:5leha trslh msg

me:uff 6ybb

i told dana and she did sand to me the number

me:first wsh btswi?

fahad:bktbh fe iphone 78i w bshoof wsh esm alragm


he dield the number in his phone

the name appeared it was!!!


me:i know that name bs ween sm3th

fahad:3rftha alklbah ana awreha

me:maybe she is just warning not threating

fahad:la wsh 7rkat m9alh 4i tje w tgoolk 6yb?

me:calm down

he looked so pissed off like he knows what halla means

me:esm3 b7akeha alyum w bshoof esh salftha

fahad:la ana b7akeha

me:this my problem i'll deal with it myself fahad

fahad:bkefk i gotta go



me:la t9ar5 6yb yarbi eni maswet shy

it was 8;45 am

i went to halla's room

i knocked the door

me:halla open the door please

she opened the door

me:3adi aklmk?

halla:sure what's it about?


halla:no you come in lesa ma b3d 3'yrt mlabsi

i went inside her room it was so messy

me:men 89dk bl msg

halla:ay msg?

me:halla la ts3b6en m3i al msg eli rslteeh l dana

halla:keef 3rfti enu ana eli raslth

me:none of your bussines just spell it!!!

halla:kl shy fe wgth 7lu

me:shklk t3rfen about fahad past 97

halla:everything since he was 7 years old omi w omh 97bat till yumk al7en

me:3adi tgolenli kl shy !!!

halla:6yb he dated w7da yara the first one e4a t3rfenha?

me:eh elli m3na fe camp

halla:kanu eli mrh m3 b39' w y7bha mra suddenly w7da 5rbt benhm i think ttrku b39' salfa lha 3 years 3u8bha glb the worst player in the summer camp he dated noura/dana alfani/fotoon alflani/latifa alflani/alia alflani/nada alflani/raghad alflani/rana alflani b3deen you

me:a7 t8rebn kl bnat camp


me:why do you hate him

halla:l2nu latifa was my best friend and he broke her heart ahlha kanu byr7un america for 7 years bs he galt ma tbi kant btg3d m3 jdtha lmn 9ar eli 9ar 8rrt troo7 back to america cause she was heart broken since that moment i never forgived him ever

me:should i break up with him?


i was holding my tears till it explode

halla hugged saying:it's going to be alright ghadah ma3leek mnh

me:what if he did change

halla:if you want a provement i'll show you that he didn't after the class

me and halla went to the class it was riding the horse

after the class


halla:sure dgeega i know how to copy rana's voice b3den 3'yrt rgmi w hu may3rfh i will call him w esm3i bnfsk ana magtlk 4a klam ella lm9l7tk

me:esh drak that he is going to hug me

halla:he did that to a thousands girls before u ;/ hbla enti

she called him and putted him on speaker

she changed her voice lw7da mma9lh shkl rana ke4a kant 9otha



halla:ana rana missed u fahadi mgdr atrkk :c

fahad:7ta ana walla<3 ween alnas m3 tdg :c

halla:kl zg bs

she hanged the phone on his face

halla :sm3ti?

me:eh :c

i cried i was heart broken for second why did i ever trusted him believed him</3

WTF!!!! he is such a jerk 5laa9 that's enough

enough drama 5la9 im sick and tierd of everything

i opened my phone and deleted him from my bbm contact list and unfollowed him in twitter

I only sand him a PIN messege saying:5l rana tnf3k !!!!

halla hugged me really tight

halla:ma3lek mnh trah 7ywan esfehe w 6nsheh kl majak

between my tears my broken heart my broken wings my broken promises and my broken realationship

i said:thank you halla your true friend

i planned to skip the classes today

i went in my bed and just cried

i opened the caputers i took in our bbms chats when we used to say sweet and smoothi things to each other and just cried

i didn't want to sing express my feels or anything i was to say it to someone and who was that someone

it was my dairy so i opened it and start writing it

Dear Dairy have you missed me as much as i missed you:c

yeah the one i believed i loved and  dreamed of was a lie

fahad broke my heart i wanted to tell someone so i choosed you

i love him and i would fight for him but i guess he isn't ready to fight for me

he isn't over yara

it's not her mistake or anything about him being a jerk and  a pain in the ass :C


i start to cry even harder the page i wrote in my dairy was felled with tears</3

i liad down in my bed covered myself with my blanket

and sleep


i went to dana and ghadah room to search for her

where is she!!!!

i entered the room and find her sleeping

her face was really red and wet

OMG was she crying?

i found her dairy opened on the last page she wrote yeah it was felled with tears

when i was done reading it i closed hardly
i was really angry

i said to myself:ENOUGH!!!

i went to the girls in the art class they were painting and told him about what happened

mai:how about we plane on a little revenge to the little ass

When it comes to a revenge mai is the master!!!

sara:not a bad

we all winked at mai saying:any sweet plane?

mai:bs lazm nd5l yara feha wsh raykm?


mai:esm3u bnd5lha feha w he will fall in love with her all over again

anoud:l76'ha t5ylu 3ad he raj3t 7btha wsh byfkhm ?

 mai:that's the problem

dana:ya tyus instead of a revenge let's make ghadah replace fahad place with someone else

maai:la i prefer revenge

dana:bshawrk y3ni?we know you prefer it over everything!!

razan:deing deing

mai:huh enti b3d

razan:mdri afkr ymkn 9dj twl3 lambh mal rasi =))

we all laughed

anoud:hey entu revenge 5luh b3deen let's make ghadah smile again?

they all agreed on what anoud said

 more few days i think for w bnrj3 riyadh a7sn!!


i saw ghadah's pin msg i was shocked y3ni kl ha4i le3bt halla?

i love her but i don't know if i can hold on only one girl

stupid me!


i woke up at like 9 pm and found the girls in my room

me:wsh tswun

juju cam and hugged me

juju:how are you now w fahad alml3un 5leeh 3la mai?


juju:read your dairy


they were all calming me down


they are true friends walla<3

we laughed played games watched movie jok around<3

i totally forgot about fahad

I had fun<3


i packed my stuff and asked the room servies to take it down to the resption

so is my girls

i signed our papers anf fahad saw

his eyes got widen

he came to me

how brave he is :)

fahad:so your guys leaving?

i ignored him

fahad:and your going to keep doing that?

i also didn't replayed

anoud:girls ready?

me:no give me a second

i went to the instermal room

and sat on the piano for more last time

i start playing and singing:

You know the bed feels warmer Sleeping here alone You know I dream in color
And do the things I want You think you got the best of me Think you've had the last laugh
Bet you think that everything good is gone Think you left me broken down Think that I'd come running back Baby you don't know me, cause you're dead wrong What doesn't kill you makes you stronger Stand a little taller Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone What doesn't kill you makes a fighter Footsteps even lighter Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone

it's stornger by kelly clarkson

when i was done i found fahad behind me with his hazel eyes getting widen

i past his path and went to my girls


we went to the air.report

and head to our plane


i went back home hugged my little sis lara<3 yeah my family went to austria for a vecation and left me with my girls in dubai<3

i hugged my mum

and told her about what we did in the summer camp me and my girls

everything was perfectly fine without him<3

i went to sleep when i woke up

i went down to eat breakfast

mama:7bebtie ghadah alyum byjun 9'yuf tjhzi

me:okay meta byjun?

mama:3la 39br

my eyes got widen

me:men jedk

mama:they are my friends w 3ndha bnt gdk


i went up staris it was 2 pm

i wore a mini dress

strieghten my hair

applyed some make up on my face wore my heels

when  i was ready they were already there

i set their and smiled

i whispered to my mum ears

me:where is the girl

mama:tl3b m3 lara bra

me:how old is she -_-

mama:shofi bnfsk

r7t l7ushna to search for the girl
i didn't find her the one who was playing with lara is  BOY

ya allah ya mama i know where it goin to takes me ;/

i went to him


he turned around


he was so hot his dimples his curly hair his body he is tanned amazing hazel eyes and amazing lips ;o

i stand like that o_o staring

he said:halla ghadah

me:kef t3rf esmi?

he said:nseteni ;/zy ma twg3t

me:la 9d8 meen

he said:ana talal!!!

me:talal ?

talal:your childhood bestfiend

me:talal alflani?????

talal:eh ;$

me:t3'yrt sorry for having a bad memory by the way ;$

talal:wsh d3wa enti 7lweeti <3

i bkushed

me:leesh y3ni knt shena mthln ;p

talal:ghadah i missed your jokes<3

me:hehe 7ta ana ;$

talal:km 9ar 3umrk?

me:15 you?

talal?al3umer kalh ana 9rt 18

me:allah yslmk ;$

he laughed

 we sat and chatted about our horrbile saudi childhood

and laughed

talal:can i add you on bbm?


talal:e4a ma tbeen tra 3adi

oh yes my mum and his mum are best friends

what happened me and talal fighted over something but since i have a bad memory i forgot since the

we fighted we never talked to each other again

he is the only son that his mother has hey used to have a big sister

her name was rawan but she died in car acciednt in kuwait

allah yr7mha :")

me:sure it's 2****** ;p

talal:thank you

he added me and i accepeted his add

me:do you have twitter?

talal:la 3andi netlog ;$

me:la yekthar ;p

talal:eh akeed 3ndi it's @talalalflani_ ;p

i followed him and he followed me back

we had dinner he went back to his house

i checked twitter and i found a tweet before a half an hour ago said:

love is just a word until i found that someone who gaved it a meaning :')

oh how cute i think he has  a girlfriend  or something i called dana and told her everything

dana:la ma a7s ymkn 3nk


we chatted for hours and when i hanged the phone

i went to my mother :mama abe anam fe mzr3tna 9d8 5lena nroo7 :c

mama:umm bfkr w ashoof

i went to sleep

when i woke up i found fahad beside my bed!!!!!!;o  what is he doing here


اللهم انصر اخواننا في سوريا و عذب بسار الاسد اشد عذاب

اللهم امين


الثلاثاء، 29 مايو 2012

chapter (4)


m7md:cause he got into a fight

me:leeeh esh 9ar

m7md:mdri walla

me:ufff 6yb where is the jail?

m7md: come with me i'll show you

he lead to some scary place in the camp i have never seen in my whole entire life!

m7md:that's the jail

me:thank you

it's not really a jail it's just some rooms to lock people in for a while only one day but i really wonder why he is in jail?

i went to the office to ask about fahad

me:hello sr

the officer: hello

me:can i see fahad?

the officer: why

me:asking him about what happened

the offcier:10 minutes

me:which room?

the officer:the first one on your left side

me:thank you

i went there and the officer unlocked the door

fahad was shocked about how do i knew about it

but he smiled the biggest smile ever



me:leesh ent hena esh salft fight and with whome?

fahad:umm not a big deal walla

me:it is to me please goli

fahad:okay but calm down ana w al3yal kna ga3den we fe wa7d esmh turki ga3d m3na hu 97 m7d ydri 3ni w 3nk ella 97batk w nawaf fgal shftu ghadah? they all said wssh feha gal her voice w she is hot w mdri esh wdi a6'bh6ha w men 4a klam i got mad 39bt and i have this problem that i can't conrol my anger so i punched him :c

me:why did you punch him look at you now :c?

fahad:umm it's nothing

me:no seriously why


i was shocked that one wasn't coming

i blushed

me:t3'ar 3li?

fahad:are you crazy or something?of course i do


fahad:esh swetu?

me:ro7na dubai mall w JBR

fahad:ghadah please l3d t6benh ella  m3k a5ok/wld 5altk/wld 3mk aw ana


fahad:kelh 3yal w 9r83h!!

me:ana esh d5lni feehm




me:yeah 7ta ent la t6bha ella w ana m3k


the officer came: time is up madam you can go now

me:when is he going to be out

the officer:one more hour


before i was about to stand he grabbed my hand and whispered in my ear :I LOVE YOU MY WIFE

me:much more<3

suddenly my phone rang


i answered


sara:weenk it's going to be a sleep over fe 3'urft yara w anoud

me:men jedkm men kubr al'3urfh a9ln?

sara:kli tbn bnshoof movie and we will play spin the bottle w truth emshii it's going to be fun all of are there


i went to yara and anoud room

for our start we played truth or dare <3 it was so much fun

we spinned the bottle it was on anoud ana sara

anoud:bs bnat alklam ma y6l3 okay

she included us all 3shan y3ni ngool l yara l7alha a7s 3eb


the ask on sara and the answer on anoud

sara:truth or dare?


sara:if you had one chance to date one of those boys in the summer camp who would you date?

anoud:umm ymchn abdulaziz

me:abdulaziz al6weel 4ak?

anoud:eh abdulaziz alflani

mai:yalla spin the bottle

it was on mai and razan

the question on razan

and the answer on mai

3ad razan  mra ml3unh fe as2lh

razan: if you was a lesbo w tbe t9eren m3 w7da m3 mnu?

mai:ya klbaaa!!!! this is too much

razan:eklai 5ra w jawbi bs shufu e4a galt esm albnt w 6l3t mnna mu tst7e w ttmel7

we all laughed



mai:3eeb ya albi

razan:btgolen wla wshlun?

mai:noura alflani eli m3na fe mdrsa

me:not bad choice

we spinned the bottle it was on me and yara im the one who will ask her a question

me:yara have you ever dated a boy?

yara:bs ma yl63

me:wsh d3wa mbzra 7na?



yara:fahad alflani

my eyes popped out

anoud looked at me with a confuse face

me:tell us everything what happened

yara:no big deal bnt jat w 5rbt kl shy beennna knna m3 b39' lna ftra like 2 years



dana:6yb ha4i albnt wshswt?

yara:she took a picture kan fe wald ys2lni 3n ma7l fe emirats mall 6yb? ra7 9wrtni w rsltha l fahad w fahad 39b w 6a8ena w trkna b39' y7s i was datin him

juju:78eera!!ml3unh 6yb 3rfti mnhi?

yara:eh sadly my best friend

juju:ufff ufff yalla we can be your best friends ;*

yara:aw how cute

i couldn't believe it yara and fahad?this is so weird walla weird

so we were bored of this game we stopped and watched a movie


until we slept next morning

i hope me and fahad will set together like always so i  woke up early took a shower blah my daily routine

left my hair as it is and i wore a skinny jeans with addidas shirt

and went to the garden at 7 am

i saw fahad was sitting there

he saw me and smiled

fahad:you remembered

me:5la9 it's my daily routine

fahad:missed you

me:me more

we sat and chatted

me:fahad esh kan benk w ben yara?

fahad:yara men?

me:you know how i mean

fahad:um it was nothing she cheated w ke4a w bs

i felt he doesn't want to talk about

me:do you still have feelings for her?

fahad:la it only belongs to you

i laid my head on his chest

fahad:so esh swetu fe dubai mall

i tried to make myself sound like bitch for a prank

me:kelh 3yal w falah


me:amz7 amz7 walla =))

fahad:bs2lk men knti t7ben gbli

me:knt a7b wwld 5alti lmn kent bzr =))

fahad:yuh gdema enti ba6look ;p

me:agool bs eskt

suddenly his phone rang

fahad:eh halla i missed u too y5ti wen alnas

my eyes popped out wshu ba3d ?

when he hang up




i try to make myself sound like a pissed off or something

fahad:amz7 my sister

yes fahad has  2 sisters noura w nuha and 1 big brother called faisal


fahad:pissed off much?


fahad:5blh =)) y3ni lw shft rgm bnt w ana a5onk tdg bard wla bgoolk enha 7bebtie?

me:uff 7sstni eni bgra


me:bgra w byzwjuni b3nz

fahad:o9 bas

we laughed
 chatted a little went back to our classes

everything was fine<3

until the moment dana called my phone



dana:ghadah jani weird msg 3nk y5r3

me:esh hu?

dana:mu thdded a warning

me:men wsh? w esh msg egreeh



للهم انصر اخواننا في سوريا

اللهم امين

الاثنين، 28 مايو 2012

chapter (3)

nawaf:esh glti ?

me: i don't know what to say

ufff this is confusing me

i mean i really love him but what if it was just another game? :c

nawaf:if you want me to prove that he loves esm3i follow me NOW ! tsm3een bnfsk but hide when you see me talking to fahad don't let him see you kay?


i followed him as he said he went to fahad and tolld him

nawaf:are you sure you love ghadah?

fahad:meeeen jeeedk ?i adore her but i guess she will never forgive me ever!!!

nawaf:e7m e7m

does that mean i should come ;/?

nawaf:ghadah t3ali

fahad was shock he blushed really hard!!!!

i can see the tomato face!!

aw his cute<3333333

ufff i wanna control myself

ethgli ya bnt ,,,wait a minute how am i going to control myself when his really cute

ethgli ya bnt =((

nawaf:sm3ti bnfsk wla?


nawaf:my work is done here

nawaf left me and fahad alone  in the cienma
YES we do have cienema int the camp!!

fahad:ghadah im sorry i was just a jerk i'll have to admit it yes i was a player but when i met you everything changes walla everything changes :c i promise i'll be the guy you were dreaming of
i promise that i'll be the guy you say im lucky to have the one who draws the smile on your face everytime you hear his name im really sorry can we start over?

i blushed really hard didn't know what to say

after all everyone deserves second chances but he is right he did change



me:okay i forgive you

fahad:missed you :c

i couldn't believe all of that events happened in one day !! yes it was already 10 pm

me:umm goodnight fahad

fahad:goodnight my love<3

i blushed and went back to our room

when i came at the room me:shut i saw dana looked really happy?

dana:awwwww guess what!!!!

me:wsh b3d?

dana:i just found my dairy`

me:eh ya 5bla kant m3 fahad =))

dana:n3m esh ybi feha?

me:i told her the whole story

dana:OMG how romantic still not trusty worthy

me:shut up im going to go back to sleep

BEFORE i was about to sleep i checked my phone

bbm 1 mention from twitter

i checked my twitter

i just got retweets blah

so i just tweeted

feels great to believe in sparks for the first time

i got retweet from fahad Yes he followed and i followed back

i checked my bbm all of it was bc expect for one was from fahad

fahad:still awake?

me:yeah why?

fahad:can you wake up tomorrow early?

me:what for?

fahad:i wanna make up all the tears that felt from your eyes

awwww how sweet<3

me:loool what time?


me:my pleasure;*

fahad:ghadah a7bk

do you know that feeling you get when someone says to you"a7bk"yeah i felt it

feels good


fahad:no me too?

me:let's see if your worth it first

fahad:you will see goodnight love <3


i sat the alram on 6 o'clock


tern tern tern

yeah it was the annoying alram

why did i sat it ? i totally forgot =))


i got up from my bed really fast wore my adidas shorts(girly one)and a tanktop

tied my hair as a pony tail,,apply some make up on my face

i only put messcera and a lip gloss 

wore my toms shoes and went down i bbmed him

me:where should i meet you?

fahad:come to the food cort and i'll lead you to some secret place in the camp

how romantic secret place feels like I am in a movie <3


so i went to the food cort i don't know why but i was so exited
oh finely i was fahad<3 he was wearing
a polo shirt and a shorts he looks hot <3
that polo shirt totally fit in his body<3

fahad:hey beautiful


fahad:how was your sleep last night?


fahad:7lmti feni ;$?

me:a3o4 blah =))

fahad:7ywana =))

me: anyway

fahad: i love you

i blushed really hard hope he didn't noticed!!!

cause my face looks really funny when i blush

he smiled<3 aw his dimples his white teeth<3

fahad grabbed my hand and took me to some small garden behind the camp

me:this is really cute

fahad:only for cute people

he winked

he is so cheesy!!!

we sat and it was a sielnt for a while




fahad:mafi 3yona?

i laughed

fahad:abd mafi romancya =))

i didn't replay i just simled

fahad:have you ever thought about our ending?

me:you mean death?

fahad:ya 7ool ag9d zwaj tfa2lu bl5yr ya5i =))


me:lesh nawi ttgdmli?

fahad:jals ast3b6 m3k y3ni

i blushed

fahad:i wanna marry you ghadah i want you to be mine forever walla <3

me:im yours <3

fahad:okay how many kids do you want?


fahad:enti btjbeen 3yal wla 8beelh =))

me: asthbl =))

we laughed

me:okay 4 2 girls 2 boys

fahad:ana bsmi bnt w wld w enti esmi albaged =))

me:la ana eli at3b w a7ml fehm a5rtha tsmi =))

fahad:ogsmblah ananya

me:amz7 6yb ana bsmehm ;$ummm fay w abdulrhaman

fahad:ana nouf w salman


fahad:where do you want our honey moon

me:tra 9dg 7seet enu bokra bntzwj =))

fahad:yalla!! ;$ tbeen bokra tra 3adi

me:no after my studies ;$

fahad:6yb wen?

me:abe carpian island


we keep chatting about our future <3

he was to serious about it i love when he talks about these stuff makes me
can't handle myself anymore

fahad:ghadah promise me something?


fahad:ew3deni you would never keep any secret of me! w you will tell me every single detail happens to your life

me:i promise and also you

fahad i do too <3 ghadah a7bk


i turned my face on the oppiste direction of his face

fahad:cute tst7een?

me:ya allaaaah!!!!

fahad:okay okay ;$

i looked at my watch oh dear it's 9;45

were late on our class!!it was a tango class ufff

me:fahad we are late!!!

we went running to the class

the teacher:where were you guys???

me:i over slept!!

fahad:i was talking a shower

the teacher:have a set

all of my girls smirked even nawaf did i couldn't help it but giggle

there is a brake between each classes like 10 minutes when the class was done

i went to my fav class to set and sing<3 i really missed my black piano

okay since im really weird i named my paino into "CHARLIE" c

i sat on the piano chair and start to play it singing how i feel in the moment:

hearts beat fast
colors and promises
how to be brave how can i love when im afarid to fall but watching you stand alone all my doubt suddenly goes away some how but one step closer
i have died everyday waiting for you darling don't be afraid i have loved you for a thousand years i love for a thousand more

i was singing christina perri =thousands of years

suddenly razan came saying: you most be in love!!

me:so in love razan <3

razan:entbhi 3la ro7ch men 3u8b 7rkath 4ek w ana 3'aslh ede mnah

me:sure i'll do
i hugged her i mean i love her i really do<3

i went out of the class running searching for fahad<3

when suddenly i pumbed into nawaf

me:sorry walla sorry nawaf

nawaf:Wsh d3wa by the way can i talk to you in the lunch time about something?

me:sure where is fahad?

nawaf:he is sitting with m7md

me:oh kay!;p

so i went to my friends directly

i saw them chatting with a new girl

me:hello girls<3

mai:shoof mtshgg wjhha

they all laughed

i blushed

juju:enshalla always<3

me:trani men sa3a wagfa don't you want to interduce me to your new friend?

the girl seem familier she is not new i saw her many times in my classes

the girl:hello my name is yara what's yours

me:ghadah km 3umrch

anoud:shoof 7ywana she is steeling our accent tra walla she is not kuwity =))

yara:haha lol ana 17 you?


yara:al3umer kelh<3

me:tslmen<3enti s3odya?

yara:eh entu men riyadh ?


yara:too bad ana men shrgya

me:i love shrgya people <3


we chatted with yara for a while she seems pretty nice

anoud:bgoolkm shy yara is the girl who is sharing my room

me:6yb leesh tgolen shklha bathrh?

all sudden anoud 8b9tni


anoud:tfo 3la wyahch ya alyahil

so we skipped a class and the bell rang it's lunch time

i was waiting for nawaf to come

me:ba 3'eet tji


me:zbda gool esh tgool

nawaf:5la9 ensy salfa 3'bya


i really need fahad right now i don't know i just feel happy when im with him really <3

i went back to my girls orderd chines food

me:bnat wshraykm n6l3 yum men al camp

anoud:5blh entu mmnoo3

yara:no it's not 3adi bs lazm ya54un e4n men ahlkm

me:o9 bs 3an alflsfah

juju:6ayeb ween?

me:dubai mall!!!!

mai: w nt3sha fe JBR

me:eh bs ha4a eli fal7h fe altmel7

mai: 3la zg

me:7beebtie wsh tshki menh m6a3m dubai mall

sara:ya5ti walla mai 9ad8h i want it a memorble summer


all of us agreed

juju:yara coming with us tomorrow?


we all added her in our bbm contact list

i checked my bbm

there was only 1 from fahad

fahad:weenk ?

me:food cort

fahad:eh bs ha4a eli fal7h feh tbl3 w ts7b =))

me: ya5i food is my second beyfriend

fahad:your cheating on me:@

me:3n al3yar yalla ;$

suddenly i saw fahad crossed me with a big smile on his face

i smiled back<3

so all the classes was done today

we went back to our rooms to sleep

i check my bbm again

fahad:ghadah 6 am?

me:sure<3 bs lazm hl mra mara7 n6wl


me:broo7 ana w my friends dubai mall

fahad:la walla w t5ylene l7ali?

me:ya5i it's sound horrbile when you putted the words like that :c


me:love you

fahad:a5ern 8lteha?adore you

me:eh ;$ ya5i 3be6h wsh aswi

fahad:men na7yat 3be6h eh ma glna shy

me:36eetk wajh =))

fahad: i love you

me:way ahead<3

i went to sleep and sat my alram<3

as the moment i woke up i wore I LOVE L.A
shirt and skinny jeans with flat

i left my hair as they say with the wind ;$

applyed some make up and went to the garden the fahad showed me it <3

suddenly i heard someone behind saying: exited?


fahad:ghadah a6lb mnk 6lb?


fahad:3'neli walla i love your voice


fahad:please swe shy 3shani lw mra :c


i start singing no promises by shayne ward
damn it o love that song even when it's old<3

me:baby now i need hold you tight i just wanna die in your arms here tonight , i don't wanna run away i wanna stay forever in time and time no promises i don't wanna ran away i dont be alone no promises baby now i need to hold tight now and forever my love <3

fahad:beautiful walla beautiful<3

me:thank u

i blushed

fahad: i recorded your voice tra ;$

me:what for?

fahad:my ringtone


i jumbed on him to grab his phone it feels like we are kids or something

when suddenly our eyes met<3

he keeped staring at mine as i am staring at him

this moment can't get any better<3
wish time would freeze<3

i got up

 and wrapped my arms like a child


me:seriously your ringtone ?

fahad:wsh d3wa i won't set it as my ringtone lmn tgolen eh ;$



he kissed my cheek

i looked at my watch i realized it 8 am so i went to our room

anoud:yalla 3ad wen kntai?

me:wsh d5lk ;$?

anoud:m3 7beeb alglb?

me:la yekthar

we laughed we were all ready and the new girl yara was joning us

we went to the recpition they called our parents asking for permstion

all of our parents agreed we went to the mall

and shopped from everywhere

eat ice creams we had really great time<3

we went back to the camp before the last class finsh

anoud:9dch a summer to remember

me:swyr 7ywana 3ndha afkar jahnmya w ma ttklm

sara:la walla ;$lesh etnu tsm3un a9ln

we laughed a7bha w 59o9n lmn tt7l6m 3lena<3

surprisely we went back before the last class even start it was 9 am but the camp told us to come early so we had to

i was searching for fahad

when i saw one of his friend oh shit !! i forgot his name


the guy:my name is m7md ;p

me:eh 97 lol sorry ween fahad

the guy:umm he is in jail

we have a jail in our summer camp it's just like a punishment detnstion or something

when you only do something bad
for a whole day

me:n3m????? leeeeeh:c?

m7md: *****************************************************************************

what happened next find out at chapter (4) ;p

keep praying for our brothers in syria<3

اللهم انصر اخواننا في سوريا
و اجعل نهايه بشار في الدرك الاسفل من النار

اللهم امين

الأحد، 27 مايو 2012

chapter (2)

so all that was a bet?!

i was ear dropping when i heard you won the bet i forgot to hear the next part

i felt tears coming into my eyes i was laying down on the wall

than suddenly


when i went out all of sudden surprisely i found ghada with tears in her eyes i was shcoked !!!! did she heard that?

it hurts to see her like that

the worst part that im pretending to my friends that i don't love ghadah while i do

she is beautiful she is kind talented amazing person

all im afraid of my friends find out that i do love her and than doubt me

ghadah or my friends was hard to chose!!!

ghadah: thanks alot

me:ghadah wait listen

ghadah:what? btfhmni enu kl ha4a bet ?5la9 fhmt ma y7taj

me:just listen!!!!



ghadah: what do you mean

me:face it ghadah i know that you dated 5 guys before

ghadah:i never did!!!!

i didn't mean to say that!!!!

i throwed the dairy infront of her

me:explain this?

she grabbed the dairy and opened it

me:your such  a whore you should be thankful that i liked you!!!

ghada:that's not mine :) that's my friend dairy that we have been searching for since 2 weeks and since im a whore you don't have to see me ever again

that's not her dairy?

what does she mean????

i most took the wrong dairy!!!!!!! gosh what did i just said

yl3n om al7alh

me:i didn't mean what i said

ghadah passed my path saying:whatever

what did i said !!!! stupid fahad really stupid!!!

i lost ghadah the one i was almost going to choose instead of my friends!!!

who will i say for ? i can't say to anyone what im feeling right now

hurt yeah!!! i just realize because of ghadah my friends are fake!


he is such a jerk!!!! ahhh

yghr i went to my room crying

there was razan in my room using my ipad

razan: ghadah esh feech?

me:wla shy

razan:7sbalk ma 3rfch ana?

me: i told her everything

razan:oh my god he is such a jerk don't waste your tears for someone isn't worth ghadah 7ram 3lech 6al3i ro7ch blmn6'rh!!!3yonch weeeh wyaed 7mra ro7i 3'sli wyhch come with me

i went with her and washed my face

razan:uff kl mnch t25rna 3la class

me:class wsh?

razan:class singing ya albi gomi

me:what if i saw him there

razan:byni 3umrch jdamh enu 7dch mstansa walla bn8hr


so we went to the singing class yes he was there

he saw me than looked away

anoud:wyed t25rto wen kntu?

me:bgoolk b3deen



juju:wjhk mra m7mr

me:gtlkm bgolkm b3deen

the teacher: class please keep quit

sara:ghadah t5yle men the new 2 girls in the camp?


sara:ahood w hadeel


razan:men 9dch entay?


anoud:ekli 5ara nti wyaha 3krtu mzaji

the teacher: oh since your girls keep talking let the boss of you guys come and sing the high notes i tought the class before a few

sara:mali d5l

all:wla ana

the teacher:come ghadah

i gave them the most shitiest stares ever they laughed

the teacher:sing some song witha high notes if you know it :)


me:there's a fire staring in my heart reaching a fever pitch and it's bringing me out the dark finelly i can see you crystal clear go ahead and sell me out  and i lay your shirt bare see how i leave with every peace of you don't undersiamte the things that i will there is a fire staring in my heart reaching a fever pitch and it's bringing me out the dark
the scares of your love remind me of us they keep me thinking that we almost had it all the
scares of your love it leave me breathless i can't help feeling we could of have it all
rolling in the deep
you had my heart inside of your hand and you play it to the beat


i know when ghadah sings she sings about what she is feeling this is really tearing me apart hearing her singing rolling in the deep by adele

hurts i know she singing about what happened to day :c

nawaf whispered to me


me:mafeni shy

msh3l:ya 3yal 9otha ys6l!


he whispered again to me saying

nawaf:btgoli after the class


i checked my bbm to check if she still in my contact list

surprisely she was

ii wonder why didn't she deleted me



everyone clapped i blushed 7mdullah w shakr =))

mai:9ots yshe5a 5orafi =))

me:thank u ;$

so the class was done and it's lunch time

i went to the food cort and found fahad is doing the same when he saw me for the first time with ahood

now im really heart broken!!!!

fahad saw me came to me runninng

fahad:ghadah it's not what it looks like it's just that the manger of the camp told me to do it for each new campers

me:save it!!there is nothing between us yalla roo7 5lk m3 ahood it's her turn

fahad:ghadah please esm3eni 6yb:c

me:what another lie? i don't think so


she left my path suddenly nawaf came to me running

it's like we are in a high school in america!!!

nawaf:heh wsh feek tklm ya5i?

me:3shan t9'7kun?

nawaf:wsh d3wa fahad your my brother since K.G

i was glancing at ghadah

nawaf:uhaaaa fhmt

me:esh ?

nawaf:your in love with ghadah 97?

me:eh :)is it wrong

nawaf:tbe 9ra7a eli e7na nsweh fe bnat 3'l6 6yb she is with you now go with her tra 3adi

me: i told him what happened

nawaf:ya5i w ent thoor tswe eli ygoolh msh3l?b3deen walla ma tnlam bnt muzza mra

me:ya5i mdri oul shy maknt a7bha knt 3adi 3u8b albet 4a something change

nawaf:aklmha ya5i shef wjhk yr7m =))

me:kl trab eh klmha blah

nawaf:5la9 6yb


i went to the table with my girls and eat

when all sudden nawaf came to me

nawaf:ghadah mmkun aklmk shwy


i went with him in some class

nawaf:ghadah 5leni atklm leen a5l9


nawaf:esm3i tra fahad walla y7bk

me:ufff please la tft7 salfa 4e m3i

nawaf:5leni agoolk al89a eli 9art 6yb


nawaf:oul shy kan tra 3adi m3k he doesn't have feelings or something msh3l galh shklh mu 78t laf w dawaran w galh fahad eh msh3l gaal t7dak tjebha fahad 3'bi 5l8h ybi y7tk fe msh3l w msh3l walla esnan 7ywan thor klb galh 6yb b3d albet with the days he start liking you ghadah 7ram 3leek walla mu ga3d ysthbl y3ni lw yk4b 3leek mara7 yk4b 3li

me:w ana l3ebh 3nduhm?

nawaf:y5ti gtlk w lw ma thmeenh kan ma jani ytshka 3ndi kan 6nsh t3sh tnt3sh tra 9dg bnat ktheren ybunh

me:la walla w lesh yroo7 3nd my cousin ahood like he did to me the first time

nawaf:yarbi enk 3be6h manger galh 3shan fahad lh 4 years yje camp f mafi a7d ma y3rfh

me:ma adri esh agoolk

nawaf:esm3i 3shan yt2db la tklmenh km yum y3ni lw b5rf klam mara7 agoolk ke4a zbda la tklmenh km yum b3den klmeh


nawaf:wsh glti?

i have to answer him now but what should i say?!!!!


what did i say find out at chapter 3 ;)

hope you enjoyed my story

let's pray for our brothers in syria

اللهم انصر اخواننا في سوريا و انتقم لهم من بشار

اللهم امين

chapter (1)

yeah it's a summer vecation and like every other summer i usaully spend it with my friends at any summer camp

me and my friends and my amazing cousins were sitting at my living room


we are all the same age expect anoud she is older than us with 1 year

razan:abe aroo7 summer camp !!!

mai:7ta ana

sara:fe summer camp ygolon 7lu mra for dancing and singing in dubai wsh raykm nro7lh it's for age 14-18 tra 9dg ygolon shy jmeel

me:eh fkra bs wshu 5af y6l3unlna swaryh w ajabnb ma abi

oh sorry i forgot to mention that in the information but razan and alanoud are from kuwait

sara:la ya mama 78 5ljyen bs s3odyen emaratyen 86ryen kwyten b7rnen w bs

me:allaaaaaah flaaa

razan:mub t7msuni a5rtha leen 6al3tu dubai mall hjeto

they all went back to their houses and we all told our mothers and fathes they all agreed cause it's  a safe place summer camp with the best people of my life this is amazing>3

i called dana

me:are so exited

dana:mra tsthbleen

me:next week baby!!!!

yeah we are going to dubai next week

i immedeitly when i hang up the phone from dana

went to my mum hugged her all suddenly

and kissed her forehead

mama:entbhu l anfskm


i eat my dinner checked my twitter my bbm everything my daily routine wrote my dairy too:

dear dairy....for this day

me and my friends are going to dubai to summer camp yes im so exited for the new adventure..............blah blah some silly stuff

and done

went back to sleep


i called dana and told her to come over

dana:what's your emergency

me:mdri wsh albs

dana:3la z8 3la z8 6agtni mshawar w enti 3arfh betk b3eed 3shan ma tdren wsh tlbseen?

me:eh ;$

dana:allah ya54k

me:alzbda sa3deni

we were done packing our stuffes all

and went to sleep


in the plane :

alanoud and me and dana were sitting in the middle

juju and mai were on our left side and sara and razan were on our right side

this is so exiting!!!!


damn it i love her<3

when we arrived we went directly to our summer camp it was so amazing

our rooms was the following the summer camp hotel for each rooms only two persons:

me and dana

juju and mai

razan and sara

too bad for anoud was with some girl we don't know be she seem to be anoying

we were to tierd it was 8 pm so i wrote my dairy and slept

i woke up alone i don't really know why did i woke up to early it was 7 am

i went down to the lobby
to take my programes paper

there is no programe at 7 am so i went to the food cort to have some breakfast
i sat alone then some guy came to my table

the guy:halla


there was a question mark on my face

the guy:my name is fahad you most be from the new group


the guy:what's your name?


the guy:beautiful name for a beautiful girl

me:thank you

the guy :im fahad from saudi arebia from riyadh exactly and im 17 years old

me:nice to meet you fahad

the guy :you too km 3umrk?


the guy:are you saudi?

me:eh men riyadh

the guy:uha welcome to the summer camp

it was pretty crowded with people me and fahad just chatted a little

he went back to his friend
while mai came to me running

mai:leeh ma 97eteni

me:3shan t9fegeni?

mai:5blh ana?

me:la bs feek enf9am sh59ya 97uni b3den tl3na =))

mai:o9 bs who is that guy you were sitting with

me:mdri jani his name is fahad he is 17 s3ody

mai:he is cute


fahad was really hot his body his face i don't have to decribe his just imagine him as the guy of your dreams LOL =))

all the girls came all sudden

juju:ghadah do we have classes right now


i was glancing at fahad all the time i think he noticed cause he smiled

mai:g3d nakl taklen m3na?

me:walla lw eni y2juj w ma2juju twni maklh

juju:ma 3li mnk ana b6ni b6ni

all the girls went to eat and i went to check the classes in stuff

when all sudden there is class cut my attention with instrumal and stuff like piano is my fav and i really know how to play it

i sat on it  the chair of the piano and start playing it and singing:

It's all amazing tomight the enrgey is coming back if feels amazing tonight it's alla electric

i don't know guys if you know the song

i felt someone was behind suddenly he was calpping

fahad:beautiful and talented too

me:thank u

so our first classs starts at 9 am  it's hip hop class <3

we all  took our chairs

the couch: so anyone has any idea about the hip hop first of all?

the couch :no one knows how to dance hip hop?

fahad: i do

suddenly he came and dance it was pretty amazing he was amazing dancer<3

juju 3rbji eslobha shwy

juju:yl3n omh y3rf

i laughed

he winked at me i smiled

suddenly some girl gave me the most shittiest stares everr!!!!

what's her problem?

when the class was done we all danced trained

the girl came saying:esh esmk?

me:ghadah you?

the girl:halla

me:your name is halla wla jalsh tgolenli halla feek

dana was beside me she hold her laugh

the girl:no my name is halla

me:uha amri?

the girl:t3rfen fahad?

me:eh bs mu mra leeh

the girl:are you his girlfriend?


the girl :take care he is the worst player at the summer camp


i saw halla talking to ghadah

i know she is telling her all about me

wsh fe omha 4i?

i went to my friend msh3l

me:msh3l tshoof albnt eli henak

i was pointing at ghadah

msh3l:eh wsh feeha?

me:she's cute

when all of sudden nawaf shared the convo

nawaf:eh bs shaklha mu 78t laf ymen w ysar

msh3l:esm3 fahad lk eli tbi e4a jbtha

me:that's a bet?


me:your on!!!


i saw fahad the guy ghadah has been talking about

coming to my site



fahad:anoud 97


fahad:abe as2lk 3n ghadah?

me:esh ?

fahad:how can i get to know her better

oh that's weird

me:well you can read her dairy

oh dear did i just said that?

fahad:where can i find it?

me:bs please mu ana eli gtlk

fahad:sure wsh d3wa

me:in her room she is sharing it  with dana i think but be careful both of them writes a dairy

fahad:ok thank you what's their room number



what did i just say that why DUMB ASS!!! UFF


 i went dierctly as anoud told me to but tha't's really weird she is telling me that

so i went to their room and wow it was open

i found a blue note book i opened it

oh yeah that's her dairy i took it and hide it in my room so i can read it at night

*back to my side*

the classes was done we all went back to our rooms took a shower and blah blah what ever

i wrote my dairy:


i saw a really cute guy that i met he can dance he is hot and everything is great in him but when all of sudden a girl named halla told me he is a player but i've been thinking he hunted my mind lately...................... blah

suddenly dana screamed


me:it was on the bed

dana:i know but ghadah tarkh 3'rofh mfto7a?


dana:kli tbnnnnnn akeed a7d a54ha yarbi it has all my secrets my lovers life and everything

i called the girls to come immeditly


me:shfti dairy 78t dana?

her eyes got widen

anoud:78tch mwjoda?

me:eh bs dana a5tft

she start acting weird

mai: that's our first day men bay54ha w amdah y78d 3leena?

juju:asasn hbl entu tktbun dairy

AFTER ONE WEEK of searching we didn't found it

fahad was acting weird lately

i saw him on the way

fahad:ghadah can i tell you something?


fahad:ghadah  i really love you i want you forever to be mine since the moment i saw you i believe finelly did that love from the first sight is truei really mean every word i say

me:i don't date boys sorry fahad

fahad:im not a normal one im your future husband

me:adri bs ana mu men 4a no3


9d8 hu 9dg ys6lllllll i couldn't hold myself

fahad:add me on bbm at less

me:as friends?


i did added him on my bbm in all the classes today he has been saying a really cute words to me

after 2 hours at 4 pm i saw fahad and anoud sitting talking


me:anoud tell me more about her the dairy isn't enough

anoud:are u sure you took the right dairy?

me:yeah yeah

anoud:lesh asasn tb3'aha ent t7bha?

me:eh so much

anoud:look if she sang at the instrumal class a love song maybe she does too

me:y3ni he t3br 3n nfsha lmn t3'ni?


me:weird girl but i like it

*Back to my side*

when ever i see fahad i really blush i really don't know why but i just do

i went to the class as always played the piano and sang:

IM sleeping through the day im trying not to faint but every single night i just been lying awake cause i can't you of my mind the longer that we met i didn't know yet that i was looking at the face i'll never foget cause i finelly realize that i can't get you of my mind ,.give me the chance to love you i'll tell you the only reason why cause you are on my mind i wanna know that you feel it what do you see when you close your eyes

all sudden

fahad:who's the song about

i got nervous !!!

me:does it have to about someone?

fahad:ymkn anoud galtli enk t3bren 3n moment b song


fahad:yalla goli walla mara7 a3lm a7d

i stand up saying

me:klshy fe wgth 7lu

i smiled

and got of the class

i sat with the girls everything went perfectly fine

until i found fahad and some guy in the camp called muhamd fighting over something

i went to them trying to stop them

when i heard fahad saying:eb3d 3nha she's mine

me:who are you talking about


i got surprised

finelly they stop fighting

it's 11 pm all of the campers went back to their room and slept

exepct me i was thinking about everything what happened today what fahad said and halla said im confuse!!!!

i got pings at me my bb

ghadah i love you

me:7btk al3afya

fahad:esh feek 3li?

me:esh salfa eli benk w been muhamd?

fahad:kan y7ki 3nk ygool she is hot w mdri esh i got angry w gtlh yb3d 3nk w t5an8na

me:leesh yb3d 3ni ent esh da5lk

fahad:ghadah a3'ar !!! happy now

me: i don't know what to say

fahad:be mine :c ghadah please i promise i won't ever hurt you



me:um i guess we should give it a try


me:me too<3

i slept i was happy about it  although im not the kind of a girl but im happy

i told dana she was happy for me and worried at the same times i told my girls they were all worried didn't get why they were


3 best day of my life

he was amazing and a gentle with me<3

i went to the singing class cause it's the first one for today it was already 9 am

when i heard someone inside the room saying:

walla ya fahad fnan 97 3leek jbt rasha you won the bet

i was holding my tears all was between us was just A bet

what about the fight with muhamad ?

what about everything was just a lie

maybe halla is right he is a player


hope you guys like my story ;* for starting

who am I

......hello so here am i
just ended endless love story and this is the new one call dear dairy
let me give you important information about the charcters in the story:
my name is ghadah im 15 years old or let's say 14 going to be 15 soon-
Im tanned naturally very soft wavey hair ,light brown eyes,light brown hair,not that fat or thin,little bet a shorty ;$yeah-
i express my feeling when i sing a song but when i sing it's expressing my feeling at the moment-
I write my dairy everyday that's another expressing what happened at the same day-
I hate anyone who opens my dairy-
I have only one sister her name is lara she is 6 and very annoying she's my only sister ,she is white and-
light brown eyes light brown hair soft wavey one she is a little bet taller than her age
I have three best friends -
dana: tanned with a black hair and very amazing curlies dark brown eyes she is pretty although
aljohrah:but we call her juju for short,she is corny also a curly hair black one and dark brown eyes
mai: is white dark brown eyes wavey hair dark brown hair
 THE closet  cousins of mine are sara and alanoud and razan<3-
sara:is blonde tanned skin dark brown eyes and striaght hair
alanoud:black hair white striaght hair dark brown eyes
razan:is alanoud small sister so they look like twins

I ALSO have cousins who i really hate their names are ahood and hadeel I don't really have to describe
hadeel zy ma ygolo 3adyh

but ahood is really beautiful although i hate her but i have to admit it she pretty

the boys cousins are abdulmalik bathr bathr bshkl ma tt9wrun he always stand by ahood side

and the best cousins ever is abdullah he is pretty amazing and pretty close to me like a brother

 my mum name is noura-
my father name is abdulaziz-

the rest you will know at the story ;p

writer note;: i know it's long describtion but you all guys have to know these cause it has so releation with the story ;)