الأحد، 27 مايو 2012

chapter (1)

yeah it's a summer vecation and like every other summer i usaully spend it with my friends at any summer camp

me and my friends and my amazing cousins were sitting at my living room


we are all the same age expect anoud she is older than us with 1 year

razan:abe aroo7 summer camp !!!

mai:7ta ana

sara:fe summer camp ygolon 7lu mra for dancing and singing in dubai wsh raykm nro7lh it's for age 14-18 tra 9dg ygolon shy jmeel

me:eh fkra bs wshu 5af y6l3unlna swaryh w ajabnb ma abi

oh sorry i forgot to mention that in the information but razan and alanoud are from kuwait

sara:la ya mama 78 5ljyen bs s3odyen emaratyen 86ryen kwyten b7rnen w bs

me:allaaaaaah flaaa

razan:mub t7msuni a5rtha leen 6al3tu dubai mall hjeto

they all went back to their houses and we all told our mothers and fathes they all agreed cause it's  a safe place summer camp with the best people of my life this is amazing>3

i called dana

me:are so exited

dana:mra tsthbleen

me:next week baby!!!!

yeah we are going to dubai next week

i immedeitly when i hang up the phone from dana

went to my mum hugged her all suddenly

and kissed her forehead

mama:entbhu l anfskm


i eat my dinner checked my twitter my bbm everything my daily routine wrote my dairy too:

dear dairy....for this day

me and my friends are going to dubai to summer camp yes im so exited for the new adventure..............blah blah some silly stuff

and done

went back to sleep


i called dana and told her to come over

dana:what's your emergency

me:mdri wsh albs

dana:3la z8 3la z8 6agtni mshawar w enti 3arfh betk b3eed 3shan ma tdren wsh tlbseen?

me:eh ;$

dana:allah ya54k

me:alzbda sa3deni

we were done packing our stuffes all

and went to sleep


in the plane :

alanoud and me and dana were sitting in the middle

juju and mai were on our left side and sara and razan were on our right side

this is so exiting!!!!


damn it i love her<3

when we arrived we went directly to our summer camp it was so amazing

our rooms was the following the summer camp hotel for each rooms only two persons:

me and dana

juju and mai

razan and sara

too bad for anoud was with some girl we don't know be she seem to be anoying

we were to tierd it was 8 pm so i wrote my dairy and slept

i woke up alone i don't really know why did i woke up to early it was 7 am

i went down to the lobby
to take my programes paper

there is no programe at 7 am so i went to the food cort to have some breakfast
i sat alone then some guy came to my table

the guy:halla


there was a question mark on my face

the guy:my name is fahad you most be from the new group


the guy:what's your name?


the guy:beautiful name for a beautiful girl

me:thank you

the guy :im fahad from saudi arebia from riyadh exactly and im 17 years old

me:nice to meet you fahad

the guy :you too km 3umrk?


the guy:are you saudi?

me:eh men riyadh

the guy:uha welcome to the summer camp

it was pretty crowded with people me and fahad just chatted a little

he went back to his friend
while mai came to me running

mai:leeh ma 97eteni

me:3shan t9fegeni?

mai:5blh ana?

me:la bs feek enf9am sh59ya 97uni b3den tl3na =))

mai:o9 bs who is that guy you were sitting with

me:mdri jani his name is fahad he is 17 s3ody

mai:he is cute


fahad was really hot his body his face i don't have to decribe his just imagine him as the guy of your dreams LOL =))

all the girls came all sudden

juju:ghadah do we have classes right now


i was glancing at fahad all the time i think he noticed cause he smiled

mai:g3d nakl taklen m3na?

me:walla lw eni y2juj w ma2juju twni maklh

juju:ma 3li mnk ana b6ni b6ni

all the girls went to eat and i went to check the classes in stuff

when all sudden there is class cut my attention with instrumal and stuff like piano is my fav and i really know how to play it

i sat on it  the chair of the piano and start playing it and singing:

It's all amazing tomight the enrgey is coming back if feels amazing tonight it's alla electric

i don't know guys if you know the song

i felt someone was behind suddenly he was calpping

fahad:beautiful and talented too

me:thank u

so our first classs starts at 9 am  it's hip hop class <3

we all  took our chairs

the couch: so anyone has any idea about the hip hop first of all?

the couch :no one knows how to dance hip hop?

fahad: i do

suddenly he came and dance it was pretty amazing he was amazing dancer<3

juju 3rbji eslobha shwy

juju:yl3n omh y3rf

i laughed

he winked at me i smiled

suddenly some girl gave me the most shittiest stares everr!!!!

what's her problem?

when the class was done we all danced trained

the girl came saying:esh esmk?

me:ghadah you?

the girl:halla

me:your name is halla wla jalsh tgolenli halla feek

dana was beside me she hold her laugh

the girl:no my name is halla

me:uha amri?

the girl:t3rfen fahad?

me:eh bs mu mra leeh

the girl:are you his girlfriend?


the girl :take care he is the worst player at the summer camp


i saw halla talking to ghadah

i know she is telling her all about me

wsh fe omha 4i?

i went to my friend msh3l

me:msh3l tshoof albnt eli henak

i was pointing at ghadah

msh3l:eh wsh feeha?

me:she's cute

when all of sudden nawaf shared the convo

nawaf:eh bs shaklha mu 78t laf ymen w ysar

msh3l:esm3 fahad lk eli tbi e4a jbtha

me:that's a bet?


me:your on!!!


i saw fahad the guy ghadah has been talking about

coming to my site



fahad:anoud 97


fahad:abe as2lk 3n ghadah?

me:esh ?

fahad:how can i get to know her better

oh that's weird

me:well you can read her dairy

oh dear did i just said that?

fahad:where can i find it?

me:bs please mu ana eli gtlk

fahad:sure wsh d3wa

me:in her room she is sharing it  with dana i think but be careful both of them writes a dairy

fahad:ok thank you what's their room number



what did i just say that why DUMB ASS!!! UFF


 i went dierctly as anoud told me to but tha't's really weird she is telling me that

so i went to their room and wow it was open

i found a blue note book i opened it

oh yeah that's her dairy i took it and hide it in my room so i can read it at night

*back to my side*

the classes was done we all went back to our rooms took a shower and blah blah what ever

i wrote my dairy:


i saw a really cute guy that i met he can dance he is hot and everything is great in him but when all of sudden a girl named halla told me he is a player but i've been thinking he hunted my mind lately...................... blah

suddenly dana screamed


me:it was on the bed

dana:i know but ghadah tarkh 3'rofh mfto7a?


dana:kli tbnnnnnn akeed a7d a54ha yarbi it has all my secrets my lovers life and everything

i called the girls to come immeditly


me:shfti dairy 78t dana?

her eyes got widen

anoud:78tch mwjoda?

me:eh bs dana a5tft

she start acting weird

mai: that's our first day men bay54ha w amdah y78d 3leena?

juju:asasn hbl entu tktbun dairy

AFTER ONE WEEK of searching we didn't found it

fahad was acting weird lately

i saw him on the way

fahad:ghadah can i tell you something?


fahad:ghadah  i really love you i want you forever to be mine since the moment i saw you i believe finelly did that love from the first sight is truei really mean every word i say

me:i don't date boys sorry fahad

fahad:im not a normal one im your future husband

me:adri bs ana mu men 4a no3


9d8 hu 9dg ys6lllllll i couldn't hold myself

fahad:add me on bbm at less

me:as friends?


i did added him on my bbm in all the classes today he has been saying a really cute words to me

after 2 hours at 4 pm i saw fahad and anoud sitting talking


me:anoud tell me more about her the dairy isn't enough

anoud:are u sure you took the right dairy?

me:yeah yeah

anoud:lesh asasn tb3'aha ent t7bha?

me:eh so much

anoud:look if she sang at the instrumal class a love song maybe she does too

me:y3ni he t3br 3n nfsha lmn t3'ni?


me:weird girl but i like it

*Back to my side*

when ever i see fahad i really blush i really don't know why but i just do

i went to the class as always played the piano and sang:

IM sleeping through the day im trying not to faint but every single night i just been lying awake cause i can't you of my mind the longer that we met i didn't know yet that i was looking at the face i'll never foget cause i finelly realize that i can't get you of my mind ,.give me the chance to love you i'll tell you the only reason why cause you are on my mind i wanna know that you feel it what do you see when you close your eyes

all sudden

fahad:who's the song about

i got nervous !!!

me:does it have to about someone?

fahad:ymkn anoud galtli enk t3bren 3n moment b song


fahad:yalla goli walla mara7 a3lm a7d

i stand up saying

me:klshy fe wgth 7lu

i smiled

and got of the class

i sat with the girls everything went perfectly fine

until i found fahad and some guy in the camp called muhamd fighting over something

i went to them trying to stop them

when i heard fahad saying:eb3d 3nha she's mine

me:who are you talking about


i got surprised

finelly they stop fighting

it's 11 pm all of the campers went back to their room and slept

exepct me i was thinking about everything what happened today what fahad said and halla said im confuse!!!!

i got pings at me my bb

ghadah i love you

me:7btk al3afya

fahad:esh feek 3li?

me:esh salfa eli benk w been muhamd?

fahad:kan y7ki 3nk ygool she is hot w mdri esh i got angry w gtlh yb3d 3nk w t5an8na

me:leesh yb3d 3ni ent esh da5lk

fahad:ghadah a3'ar !!! happy now

me: i don't know what to say

fahad:be mine :c ghadah please i promise i won't ever hurt you



me:um i guess we should give it a try


me:me too<3

i slept i was happy about it  although im not the kind of a girl but im happy

i told dana she was happy for me and worried at the same times i told my girls they were all worried didn't get why they were


3 best day of my life

he was amazing and a gentle with me<3

i went to the singing class cause it's the first one for today it was already 9 am

when i heard someone inside the room saying:

walla ya fahad fnan 97 3leek jbt rasha you won the bet

i was holding my tears all was between us was just A bet

what about the fight with muhamad ?

what about everything was just a lie

maybe halla is right he is a player


hope you guys like my story ;* for starting

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