الجمعة، 15 يونيو 2012

chapter (18)

OK this is really a shit

me:keef 3rfti?

mama:nseti enu your credit card kl ma ashtrete shy yjene msg w esh hu

I was silent

mama:leesh ke4a ya ghadah ? fhmeni 3adi twgfen fe 9fhm

me:mama la ana fe 9f wla w7da l2ni ma adri esh salfa w 7ta talal ma ydri!!

mama:im sorry to say this bs jebi jwalk bs7bh 2 months


mama:bswla klmh

me:TAKE IT YOU KNOW WHAT i thought you would understand you made us together and when we fell in love you want to brea
k us?



I went to my room and cried

this week was totally A mess!!!


i talked to talal by dana's phone 

it was sunday

me:talal mama 3rft  s7bt jawli :c


me:salfa 6wela :C

talal:for how long?

me:2 months


i can't complete this :C

talal:OF 6yb klmeni men jwal dana

me:im sorry talal i just can't complete this behind my mother back :c

i was cryin when i told him that


me:really sorry

talal:it's ok bl3ks shy yrf3 alras

his voice changed

me:i love you walla i just can't do this anymore :c

talal:t2kdi eni brj3lk

me:and i'll be waiting :c

talal:take care bye love<3

me:bye :c

i hanged the phone and cried in dana's chest like a baby

dana:bs a7snlk walla :


SO let's skip 3 days

since like 5 days i don't eat well

i only drink water

my mother still upset and she doesn't talk to me like she used to

i didn;t write any thing in my dairy i mean what should i write about?

i didn't played piano since the day i broke up with talal

I wonder is he thinking about right now?

how is he ,,how is his studies?

many questions crossed my mind

I looked at myself in the mirror

my face was yellow

it wasn't me!

i had those white line in my nails which it mean i had lost blood

i went and played my piano it's the best thing it could remind me of him:

well it's good to hear your voice

i hope your doing fine

and if you ever wonder im lonely here tonight

im lost herre this moment

and time keep slepping by

and if could have one more wish

i'll have you by my side

oh i miss you

oh i need you

and i love you more than i did before

and if today i don;t see your face

nothing change no one can take your place

it gets harder everyday say you love more than you did before

and im sorry it;s this way

but im coming home i'll be coming home

and if yu ask me to stay i will stay

well i try to live without you

but tears falls from my eyes

im alone and i feel empty

god im torn apart inside

i look above at the stars

hoping your doing the same

and some how i feel closer

and i can hear you say oh i miss oh i need you

and i love more than i did before

and if today i didn't see your face

nothing change no one can take your place

it gets harder everyday say you love more than you did before

and im sorry it's this way but im coming home i'll be coming home

and if i ask me i will stay i will stay

i never lose you

and if i had you i will choose you

so oh stay

please always stay

your the one i hold into

cause my heart will stop without you

miley cyrus -stay

this is killing me


i went to my school

JUJU:ghadah bs 7ram eli tswenh fe nfsk!!

me:im sorry i just can't handle the pain !!

mai:ed3i w bs !!! rbi ma yrd 3bdh wshfeek ke4a 7b6teni m3k!

me:im sorry i;ll go to set some where alone 3shan ma a7b6k zyada

mai:ghadah didn't mean it this way :c

me: i know but i did

i went in the corner and sat alone

suddenly ahood and hadeel and ghadir their friend

yes they are at my school my whole cousins are

laughing at me

ahood:7beeb alglb jar7k


hadeel:ashoof 6al3lk lsan


ghadir:e7trmi nfsk la al3n omk

me:jtna alza7fa 3ad yalla mnak

they gave me the most shitiest look and walked away

school was done

I went to my home

and went directly to my room

mama:ghadah bt9eren ke4a len meta

me:leen tstw3been eni ana  w talal malna d5l fe mshkltkm m3 5alti samer!!!

i went to my room and slept

it was already wednesday

so when i woke up

guess what

I found the girls in my room

my mother didn't wake me for school?

me:esh tswun?

razan:dam omch  raf9'a tzoren ay 7d fena 8rrna nje 3ndch


mai:and im sorry about what i said at school

me:it's ok

dana:jbnalk moviee

me:esh hu?

mai:horror the boggie man 2

me:wansa yalla nnzl nshofh

yes i did woke up late it was 8 pm

wsh 4a nom?

lara suddenly came and hugged me


lara:missing you :c


me:ana b3d<3 tshofen scary movie m3na?


me:bokra ana wyak nshoof cartoon

lara clapped and said okay

she seemed happy

I can't believe that talal made me forget my own little sis :c

we watched the movie

me and juju decided that we will wear scary mask and scare them

so we did

we went to mai cause she was putting a lipgloss

we scared her till the lipgloss was drown all over her face !!!=))


I had so much fun with the girls

they made me feel alot more better<3

dana:7mdullah fr7ana <3

me:thank u guys


me:ajl benna alkfof ;$

mai:wdi a6rdk bra bs betk =))

we laughed

dana:fe shy bfr7k akthr

me:esh ho

dana :about talal!!!

me GOLI!!!


what was it FIND OUT AT CHAPTER 19

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